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Let Your Brand story video Shine into Existence by the Fusion of Video and Storytelling

Are you looking for a way to communicate your brand identity, mission, and values to your potential customers, partners, and investors?

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If so, brand storytelling videos are your answer. Brand story video involves using videos to tell the story of your brand, what makes you different, and why people should care about you. It’s a way to showcase your personality, culture, and purpose, and to connect with your audience on an emotional level.


But not all brand storytelling videos are created equal. Some are boring, generic, or irrelevant. Others are captivating, unique, and impactful.

What makes the difference?

Storytelling. Brand Storytelling videos is the art of using words, images, sounds, and emotions to create a memorable experience for your viewers. It’s what makes your company video content stories stand out from the crowd and resonate with your audience while creating an emotional connection. At Arty-Shock, we specialize in creating brand story videos that tell your brand story using film. We use storytelling techniques to craft videos that spark curiosity, drive engagement, and inspire loyalty.

Why Do You Need Brand Story Video?

Brand video stories are a powerful way to communicate the essence of your company and value proposition to your customers. They can help you differentiate yourself from your competitors, build trust and credibility, and create a loyal fan base.

Brand story video benefits and advantages

Here are few tips on some of the benefits of using brand story video for your customers:

  • Better connection and loyalty: Brand storytelling video can help your customers feel connected to your brand’s core message and its story, and to develop a sense of belonging and loyalty. According to a study, 92% of consumers want brands to make ads that feel like stories.
  • Higher recall and preference: company story video can help your customers remember your brand and its message better, and to prefer it over others. According to a study, brand storytelling alone can increase brand awareness and the value of a product by more than 20 times.
  • Stronger advocacy and referrals: a Brand video or story video content can help your customers become advocates and promoters of your company and product, and to refer it to others. According to a study, 83% of consumers would consider sharing successful video storytelling examples or story video with their friends.
  • More social media exposure and viral potential: Brand story video can help you reach more people and generate more buzz on social media platforms, as they are more likely to be shared, liked, and commented on. According to a study, social video generates 1200% more shares than text and images combined.
  • Cost savings and competitive edge: Brand storytelling videos can save you money and resources compared to other branding methods, such as logos, slogans, or brochures. You only need to invest once in creating your brand story video and then you can use it for multiple purposes and platforms. Brand storytelling video can also help you stand out from your competitors by providing a unique and valuable customer experience.

With these facts and statistics in mind, it is clear that brand story video is a powerful tool for branding in most businesses. If you want to take advantage of this opportunity, you need a professional video production company that can create high-quality and effective entity story videos for you.

That’s where we come in!

Brand Story Video Examples

Take a look at a few of the videos we’ve created for our clients. 

Gemeinsam Einzigartig

Brand Story Video Production


Brand Story Video Production


Brand Story Video Production

“We were blown away by their professionalism and skills.”

Hank D. Wüstenberg
CEO Emerald

Arty-Shock collaborated with us to create two promotional video clips emphasizing safety and quality. Yehuda from Arty-Shock delivered exceptional production quality with limited resources and time, deeply understanding our mission despite his different background.

Yehuda created a unique marketing video that captured our essence seamlessly, from storyboarding to editing. He tailored the video precisely to our needs, exceeding our expectations with warmth and engagement.


How do you approach the creative process?

We follow a four-step process to create your brand memorable top stories videos:

  • Discovery: We start by understanding your brand identity, mission, values, and vision. We also research your industry, competitors, customers, and best practices to find the most authentic and compelling way for your company storytelling.
  • Scripting: We write a detailed script for your video, outlining the content, style, structure, and voice. We also create a storyboard to visualize behind the scenes,, transitions, and graphics. We work with you to review and refine the script and storyboard until you are satisfied.
  • Production: We film your brand values video using high-quality equipment and professional actors or models. We also edit your video to add effects, transitions, music, sound effects, and other enhancements. We ensure that your finished storytelling film meets the technical standards and specifications for your chosen platform, software and format.
  • Delivery: We deliver your storytelling video in the format and resolution that you prefer. We also provide you with analytics and feedback tools to measure the performance and impact of your video. We can also help you with your distribution and branding, marketing strategy, sales and promotion strategies to reach your target audience.
How long does it take to create a brand story video?

The time it takes to create a brand story video depends on several factors, such as the scope, feedback, revisions, and approval of the project. Generally speaking, the more involved and detailed the project, the longer it takes.

We strive to deliver our company storytelling videos as fast as possible without compromising on quality. We also communicate with you throughout the process to keep you updated on the progress and timeline of your project.

To get an estimate of how long it will take to create your own brand story video project, please contact us today.

How much does a brand story video cost?

The cost of a video storytelling depends on several factors, such as the length, style, format, complexity, and quality of the video. Generally speaking, the longer and more elaborate the brand storytelling video, the higher the cost.

We offer competitive pricing for our company story videos based on your brand’s specific needs and preferences. We also offer discounts for bulk orders and long-term partnerships with brands.

To get an accurate quote for your video storytelling example project, please contact us today.

Why should I choose your company over others?

We have over 10 years of experience in producing creative and effective product videos for various industries and sectors. We have a next level team of talented and passionate storytellers who can craft engaging, in depth and informative product videos that suit your needs. We have a proven track record of delivering high-quality product videos on time and on budget. We have a loyal customer base who trust us with their product video needs. We are always ready to listen to your feedback and suggestions and make improvements accordingly.

How do I distribute my brand story videos?

You can distribute your own brand storytelling examples and story videos in any way that you want or need. Some of the most common ways that our clients use their brand story videos are:

  • Embedding them on their website or landing page
  • Uploading them to their social media accounts or channels
  • Sending them via email or messenger to their prospects or customers
  • Using them in their online or offline advertising campaigns
  • Showing them at events or presentations

We can also help you with distributing your company story videos if you need any assistance or guidance. We have experience and expertise in digital branding strategies that can help you reach and engage your target audience with your brand story videos.

To learn more about how we can help you with distributing your brand story videos, please contact us today.

What format do you deliver the brand story videos in?

We deliver our brand visual video storytelling examples in any format that you prefer or require. Some of the most common formats for brand story and event videos that we use are MP4, MOV, AVI, WMV, and FLV.

We also optimize our videos for different platforms and devices, such websites as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and more.

To specify the format that you want for your story video project, please contact us today.


The influence of brand storytelling on the consumer–brand relationship experience: This paper explores the strategic role of video storytelling as a facilitator of the consumer–brand relationship experience through the creation of cognitive, emotional, and behavioural responses through personal stories. The paper tests the hypotheses with a dataset of survey data from 323 Portuguese consumers using partial least squares structural equation modelling. The paper found that video storytelling examples improved consumers’ cognitive responses through consumer–firm identification and stimulates consumers’ emotional responses through brand affective involvement. Moreover, storytelling stimulates behavioural responses through purchase intention, via the mediating role of consumers’ cognitive and emotional responses. The paper also shows that storytelling generates stronger emotional response than cognitive responses, but cognitive responses have stronger effects on behavioural responses. The paper contributes to the literature on the strategic role of organizational storytelling in management by demonstrating that storytelling is an effective way of improving the consumer–company relationship experience while showing the brand values.

The role of storytelling in the creation of brand love: the PANDORA case: This paper investigates the role of video storytelling in the creation of brand love when it is used as a brand communication technique. The paper uses the jewelry company PANDORA as a case study, because its products are also associated with stories. The paper collects data from 400 PANDORA consumers using an online questionnaire and analyzes it using structural equation modelling. The paper finds that the mentioned video storytelling example has a positive impact on the love felt by the consumers regarding PANDORA’s identity. The paper also finds that the stories consumers associate with their own PANDORA jewelry make them like the jewelry and the brand itself even more, which shows that product narrative is an important concept to encourage people and add value to the product and the brand. The paper provides insights for marketers on how to use storytelling and visual elements to create brand love and loyalty.

The effect of a green brand story on perceived brand authenticity and brand trust: the role of narrative rhetoric: This paper examines how a green brand story influences consumers’ perceptions of company authenticity and brand trust, and how these effects are moderated by the narrative rhetoric of the story when it does not take the back seat. The paper conducts two experiments with 320 participants, using a fictitious green coffee brand and its heartwarming story. The paper manipulates the narrative rhetoric of the story by varying the level of concreteness and emotional intensity. The paper finds that a green brand story enhances consumers’ perceptions of brand authenticity and brand trust, and that these effects are stronger when the story is more concrete and emotionally intense. The paper also finds that perceived brand authenticity is just what mediates the effect of a green video storytelling on brand trust. The paper contributes to the literature on green branding and storytelling by demonstrating the importance of narrative rhetoric in shaping consumers’ responses to green brand stories

We are not just another video production company. We are storytellers who understand your brand story, your industry, your competition, your audience’s needs, and your brand’s personality.

Whether you need a short video or a long video for your website, social media, e-commerce, or any other channel, we can help you create it. We have the expertise, creativity, quality, and customer testimonials for the satisfaction that you need. Here’s why you should choose us for your brand story video needs:


We have been creating brand story videos for over 10 years. We have worked with clients from various industries and niches. We know how to tailor our various types of product videos like explainer videos, and can create visual storytelling and story videos to your specific audience and goals.

We have a team of talented professionals who handle every aspect of your video production. From video script writing to animation, from voiceover to editing, we take care of everything. You don’t have to worry about hiring multiple freelancers or agencies. We are your one-stop shop for brand story video that hook viewers.


We don’t use templates or cookie-cutter solutions. We create custom brand story videos that reflect your brand identity and vision. We use video storytelling elements such as characters, conflict, resolution, and emotion to make your brand story videos more engaging and memorable.

We also use different styles and formats of visual storytelling and story videos depending on your needs. Whether you want a 2D or 3D animation, a full live action video, motion graphics video, a whiteboard or cartoon video, we can create it for you. We can also mix and match different styles to create a unique look and feel for your own brand’s story video too.


We don’t compromise on a high quality brand video. We use the latest tools and technologies to produce high-quality brand story videos that look professional and polished. We also follow the best practices of video optimization to ensure that your branded videos load fast and play smoothly on any device or platform.

We also pay attention to the details that matter. We use clear and concise language, crisp and simple animations, catchy voiceovers, attractive and relevant visuals, and smooth and seamless transitions. We make sure that every element of your video is aligned with your message and goal.

Customer Satisfaction

We don’t just deliver brand story videos. We deliver results. We measure the performance of our brand story videos, based on metrics such as: video views, likes, shares, comments, clicks, conversions, and more. We also collect feedback from our clients and their audiences to improve our services.

We also offer revisions until you are 100% satisfied with your video. We value your input and feedback throughout the process. We want you to be happy with the final product and proud to share it with the world.

Increase Sales with Brand Story Video

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How to Make a Great Brand Story Video Using Storytelling?

Brand story videos are one of the most powerful ways to connect, inspire, and influence your audience. Whether you want a simple or high quality brand storytelling video to showcase your brand’s personality, mission, vision, values, or company culture, a well-made and effective company story video can help you develop your marketing strategy, and build trust, loyalty, and advocacy among your viewers.

But how do you make a great brand story video that stands out from the crowd? How do you capture the attention of your potential customers and keep them interested throughout your entire video?

The answer is storytelling.

  • Storytelling is the art of using narratives, characters, emotions, and conflicts to convey a message or to make a brand story video.
  • Video storytelling can make your brand story video more memorable, relatable, and persuasive. It can also help you communicate your brand identity, differentiate yourself from competitors, and motivate your audience to take action.

But how do you use storytelling in your next brand story video? Our experience shows there are three important lessons for making a great brand story video with storytelling in 2024.

Define Your Goal and Audience

Before you start creating your own story video, you need to define your goal and audience. What is the purpose of your brand story video? What do you want your audience to learn, feel, or do after watching your visual storytelling? Who are your target viewers and what are their needs, preferences, and challenges?

Having a clear goal and audience will help you craft a relevant and effective story for your company story video. It will also help you choose the right tone, style, and format for your brand story video.

Choose a Story Structure

A story structure is a framework that organizes the elements of your story into a logical and coherent sequence. A story structure can help you create a clear and engaging narrative for your brand story video. It can also help you deliver your key information and value proposition in a memorable way.

There are different types of story structures that you can use for your brand story video, such as:

The Hero’s Journey: This is a classic story structure that follows the journey of a protagonist who faces a challenge, overcomes obstacles, and achieves a transformation. You can use this structure to show how your firm’s identity can help your audience solve their problems or achieve their goals.

The Problem-Solution-Benefit: This is a simple story structure that presents a problem that your audience faces, offers a solution that your brand provides, and explains the benefits that they can get from it. You can use this structure to demonstrate how your brand’s values can help your audience overcome their challenges or improve their situation.

The Before-After-Bridge: This is another simple story structure that shows how your audience’s situation was before knowing your brand, how it is after knowing your brand, and how they can get from the before to the after. You can use this structure to illustrate the value and impact of your operation on your audience’s lives.

Choose a story structure that suits your goal and audience, and that helps you convey your message and value proposition effectively.

Create Your Characters

Characters are the people who drive your story forward. They are the ones who experience the problem, seek the solution, and achieve the transformation. Characters can help you create an emotional connection with your audience and make them care about your story. To create a compelling story and characters for your brand story video, you need to:

Define their goals, motivations, and challenges. What do they want to achieve? Why do they want to achieve it? What are the obstacles that prevent them from achieving it?

Give them personality traits and quirks. What are their strengths and weaknesses? What are their likes and dislikes? How do they speak and behave?

Make them relatable and realistic. What are their backgrounds and contexts? How do they relate to your brand’s personality, mission, vision, values, or culture? How do they represent your target audience?

By using brand story videos and following these steps, you can create an engaging and effective brand story video using storytelling.

Ready to Tell Your Brand's Story through Video?

If you’re seeking a dependable, seasoned, and imaginative partner to craft brand story videos and marketing visuals that encapsulate your brand essence, corporate identity, values, and aspirations, look no further. At Arty-Shock, we offer a comprehensive suite of services tailored to create brand story videos and captivating animations that bring your brand to life on screen.

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We transcend the conventional role of a corporate video production agency. We are storytellers adept at comprehending your brand’s objectives, industry dynamics, audience preferences, and brand persona. Collaborating closely with you, we conceptualize brand story videos that encapsulate your brand’s ethos, accentuate its strengths and value propositions, foster credibility and allegiance, and compel potential customers to align with your brand.

Whether you require a brand story video for your website, social media platforms, e-commerce endeavors, or any other communication channel, count on us to deliver. Our proficiency, ingenuity, commitment to quality, and unwavering focus on customer satisfaction ensure your brand’s narrative is conveyed with impact.

How We Create the Best Brand Story Videos

Our process of creating brand story videos is simple and straightforward. Here’s how it works:


We start by understanding your brand objectives, audience profile, value proposition, and desired outcome. We also discuss your budget, timeline, and preferences for your video style and format.


We record a voiceover for your video based on the script and storyboard. We use professional voice actors who can deliver your message with the right tone, pace, and emotion. You can choose from different languages, accents, genders, and styles.


We write a script for your video based on the information you provide. We use storytelling techniques to craft a compelling narrative that captures your audience’s attention, explains your identity in a clear and engaging way, and persuades them to take action.


We animate your video based on the script, storyboard, and voiceover. We use different techniques and tools to create stunning animations that bring your story to life. We also add sound effects and music to enhance the mood and atmosphere of your video.


We create a storyboard for your video based on the script. A storyboard is a visual representation of how your video will look like. It shows the scenes, shots, transitions, and animations that will be used in your video.


We produce your video based on the script, storyboard, and voiceover. We use different techniques and tools to create high-quality videos that capture your brand in the best light. We also add sound effects and music to your footage to enhance the mood and atmosphere of your video


We deliver your video in the format and resolution of your choice. You can download it from our secure server or we can upload it to your preferred platform. You can also request any changes or revisions if needed.


We edit your video based on the script, storyboard, voiceover, and animation. We make sure that everything is in sync and flows smoothly. We also optimize your video for the best quality and performance.

Here’s why you should choose us for your brand story video needs:

Effective Communication Through Storytelling

At Arty-Shock, we believe that the best brand video storytelling is not just informative and engaging content but also emotionally inspiring. Learn about our approach to creating captivating stories and videos that connect with your audience.

Cinematic Excellence

Our story videos are produced in cinematic high-definition (HD) video quality, ensuring every detail is crystal clear and captivating.

Customized to Your Brand

Every brand story video is a reflection of your brand’s personality, mission, vision, values, and culture. We tailor each brand story video, to align seamlessly with your brand’s identity.

Immersive Visuals

We employ cutting-edge visual techniques to ensure your brand video storytelling is not just informative but visually stunning, making the story experience unforgettable.


Every project has a different kind of needs

Explainer Videos

We value personal connection and are here to answer any questionsor listen to your thoughts.