3 Engaging Ways to Promote Your Digital Business in 2024

Imagefilm Berlin


Copy Team Manager at Arty-Shock.


3 Engaging Ways to Promote Your Digital Business in 2024

It’s hard to recall how we used to live without the internet. How did we function without this infinite world of information and digital services right at our fingertips? It’s a sobering thought as we continue to adhere to this new socially-distanced lifestyle

To put it in perspective, the Digital 2019 report by Hootsuite and We Are Social shows that “the world’s internet users spend an average of 6 hours and 42 minutes online each day”. And that’s pre-COVID-19 usage. It’s never been more important to harness the power of online marketing, whether to promote your digital business to new audiences or to increase your brand visibility online.

Not sure where to start? There is a myriad of digital marketing tools and tactics to choose from, but here are 3 of the most essential and engaging ways to promote your digital business in 2022. 

Promote Your Digital Business with these tips!

1. User Reviews & Success Stories

While visual branding, messaging, and social media engagement are all essential components to successful digital marketing in our current climate, one of the most important elements of the equation is user-generated content. According to a 2019 study by Stackla“60% of consumers say content from friends or family influences their purchase decisions, while just 23% say content from celebrities and influencers are impactful.”

User reviews, Facebook recommendations, Instagram stories, YouTube product reviews, and unboxing videos: these are a few common sources of information a potential buyer will refer to for validation prior to purchase.

As the producer or retailer, you might not have control over user-generated content, but you can compile favorable reviews into video clips and visual content highlighting positive user experiences. For B2B brands, you can approach customers about recording a video testimonial which you can likewise repurpose into marketing and branding content.

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2. Social Media Photo & Video Content

Having an active social media account with regular fresh content ensures brand visibility on the customer’s newsfeed. Visual content such as photos and videos have also been found to be much more effective compared to purely text-based content. This is supported by various studies, one of which found that “The average person reads only about 20% of a web page, but will view every image” (source: CrowdRiff).

Thanks to the constantly evolving smartphone technology, it’s now fairly easy to produce decent product photos and videos with smartphone cameras. That said, there’s no comparison with professional product photography and videography by experts who’re not just focused on taking shots, but also on capturing the essence of the product and the story behind the brand.

Professional product photography and videography will automatically elevate the brand image and perceived value of the product as demonstrated in this finding that “63% of consumers said good images are more important than product descriptions” (source: CrowdRiff). Good quality photos and videos can also be repurposed into a range of digital content for future marketing use.

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3. Brand Story Video

A brand story video is a highly effective way to sum up what your brand is about and to connect with the target audience. With the right combination of footage, stills, and animated effects narrating your brand’s origin story, purpose, and values, your brand has a much better chance of standing out from the crowd.

The objective is to create an engaging story and visual experience that arouses interest and curiosity in the audience so they’ll take further action to find out more or to experience the product or service in person. According to this article by Think with Google“More than half of shoppers say online video has helped them decide which specific brand or product to buy.” For B2B brands, a brand story video is equally as essential in helping you stand out in sales pitches, tenders, and networking events.

Customers have become enlightened and discerning with easy access to information at their fingertips wherever and whenever they need it. The modern consumer will seek out brands with compatible values and ethics over established brands with dubious morals. Authentic storytelling is therefore key to building long-term brand loyalty…

If you’re new to digital marketing, we would highly recommend starting with these 3 simple but highly effective ways to promote the visibility of your digital business and engage with your target audience.

We provide professional video production services for corporate and commercial brands worldwide as well as photography services in Berlin, Hamburg, Frankfurt, and all over Europe. Tell us about your brand; we’re here to give your story the voice it needs.

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